The Rite Culture
Rite-Solutions was established as an employee-centric business to ensure that all employees have the opportunity to share in our collective success.
The strength of our culture is evident in how we live and breathe as a company and how we engage with our employees and our customers day to day. Through our own award-winning innovations, like Mutual Fun® and our practice of mutual respect, collaboration, trust, integrity, creative thinking and outcome-focused behaviors, we deliver impressive results and exceptional value to those we are privileged to serve. This unique, award-winning culture enables us to leverage the “collective genius” of our team of engineers, technologists, scientists, and instructional designers to solve an enormous spectrum of technical and organizational challenges for our customers!
Rite-Solutions Employees are “One of F.E.W.”
We will remain loyal friends, working hard together toward a culture of community based on trust, mutual respect, and personal accountability.
We will remain loyal friends, working hard together toward a culture of community based on trust, mutual respect, and personal accountability.
We will remain loyal friends, working hard together toward a culture of community based on trust, mutual respect, and personal accountability.
Creating an Innovative Climate Blog Series
Based on the belief that developing meaningful relationships with employees allows a company to tap into the collective genius of the entire organization, Jim outlines eight steps used to develop an award-winning innovative culture at Rite-Solutions.
Q & A
Why does Rite-Solutions put so much emphasis on company culture?
For starters, the “rite” culture makes work fun! We spend much of our waking time with co-workers. We should enjoy that time together. (See the One of the F.E.W. section above about Friends Enjoying Work). The “rite” culture can also produce a number of benefits for the organization, such as improved recruiting, retention, employee engagement, collaboration, productivity and innovation. It’s a proverbial win-win for everyone!
The company culture sounds too good to be true. Is it really how things are at Rite-Solutions?
How is company culture related to innovation?
What is the puzzle presentation about?
How do you ensure that your culture remains vibrant and active?
What role did culture play in founding the company?
The three founders, with extensive experience in typical top-down organizations, wanted to start their own company based on three fundamental precepts that are, two decades later, still core components of our culture:
- Work should be more fun (basis of our F.E.W. principle)
- The company should be more like a community than a corporation (more in line with our experience in every other facet of life)
- Good ideas can come from anywhere (no one is smarter than everyone), hence an organizational design that is not based on a strict chain-of-command mentality